What Is Y Lift?
The innovative Y Lift is a non-surgical facelift procedure. It is designed to lift and provide your under-eye and cheekbone areas with added volume. It will also contour your upper neck and define your jawline and chin.
It’s a revolutionary facial contouring method based on the idea that the shape of youthful facial contours is similar to the letter Y. If you lay a couple of Ys over your face, you’ll notice that one seems to be wider at the top. It spans at the areas of your cheekbone and eye, while the other Y crosses your entire jawline with both narrowing down to a point culminating at the chin.
As you begin to age, the arms of the letter Y shapes will start to widen downward substantially. As a result, your face will start to deflate as it loses volume. And as your cheeks lose volume, it’ll start to sag in jowls leading to a less defined chin.
Thankfully, Y Lift, through its special and unique process called structural volumizing, you can now restore the youthful Y shape of your face.
How Does The Y Lift Procedure Work?
The entire process of Y Lift is painless and quick, thus it is called by many as the “Miracle 30-Minute Facelift.” You don’t even have to worry about incisions and general anesthesia. Only some specific areas of your face will be treated with a local anesthetic.
It is performed within 30 to 45 minutes and you’ll be completely awake throughout the entire procedure. The great thing about it is that you’ll see the dramatic yet natural-looking results right away.
Once the treatment is done, you my experience some slight bruising and swelling for a few days. The process is referred to as “Lunch-time Lift” because the majority of the Y Lift patients can even go back to work and go about their daily routine with 1-2 days.
If you do experience bruising, you may cover in with makeup 24 hour after your treatment, most patients do not experience significant bruising.
How Is The Y Lift Treatment Performed?
Dr. Falcone will insert a specialized instrument called a cannula underneath your skin and muscle. The instrument will then lift your muscles. To hold it in its newly elevated position, you will be injected with FDA-approved hyaluronic acid fillers.
The filler is kept in place by your muscle’s strength, giving you an instant lift and prevents unwanted sagging. We will then sculpt your face by hand. Unlike with regular filler injections, we will not inject the filler into your skin. The result of your Y Lift will typically last between 1-2 years before you may want a touch-up treatment.

What Are The Results I Can Expect From Y Lift?
The Y Lift treatment does not involve incisions, general anesthesia, or surgery. The results you can expect after the procedure are the following:
- You can have a lifted appearance to your cheekbones.
- Your under-eye area will be revived, improving hollowness.
- Your jawline will be more defined and upper neck lifted.
What Makes Y Lift Different From Other Facelift Procedures?
The Y Lift Closed Facelift Procedure can restore the youthful foundation of your face instantly through the use of these concepts:
What: Structural Volumizing®
The treatment will rebuild two primary facial pillars:
- Maxilla consisting of your cheeks and top jaw.
- The mandible or your lower jaw.
It will not only restore the shape and original foundation of your face, but it will enhance it.
Where: Leading Edge®
The focus of the Y Lift is Leading Edges® of the primary facial pillars. You can achieve natural enhancement without the need to compromise the shape and functionality of your face since it restores its foremost edge.
Balance is the key here. Y Lift utilizes flexY guide®, an anatomically correct measuring device specially created for the procedure, to help determine the Leading Edge®.
How: Closed Facelift®
Through filler placement at the Leading Edge®, Y Lift can restore and lift your face. The filler is placed in an enclosed area between the muscle and the bone using a rounded thin cannula, allowing for the lift and the procedure’s longevity.
Who Are The Candidates For The Y Lift Procedure?
Y Lift is ideal for most male and female patients with an age ranging from 20 to 70 years old. Younger patients achieve better results with smaller amounts of filler. Older patients will need more extensive volume placement. Y lifts can involve placement of anywhere from 4-12 syringes of filler in one session.
For female patients, the procedure can:
- Accentuate the cheekbones.
- Improve under-eye hollowness.
- Define the jawline and lift the upper neck.
For male patients, it can:
- Build coveted masculine facial features with a subtle projection of the cheek but a more prominent jawline.
Y Lift is also suitable for any younger patient who wants to achieve higher cheekbones and/or have a more defined jawline.
The Falcone Center Difference
Dr. Victoria Falcone is an expert level injector of facial fillers. She has undergone extensive injectable filler training since 2006. She has also completed numerous Botox and injectable filler continuing education seminars including training with Dr. Troekel, the inventor of the Ylift procedure.
Since Dr. Falcone utilizes injection cannulas for filler placement, the risk of acquiring bruises is minimized, which in turn allows for a much-refined result. Also, before the start of your non-surgical facial treatment, she will assess your concerns thoroughly and provide you with the most suitable treatment options. You can have peace of mind knowing that you’re in good hands working with an advanced injector.